Rizky Adi Sudrajad, Bambang Hari Wibisono


Krapyak District is one of the significant areas in Yogyakarta, crossed by the
Philosophical Axis stretching from Tugu in the North to Panggung Krapyak in
the South end. The Javanese philosophy of Sangkan Paraning Dumadi lies
within the axis. In 2017, based on the Special Region of Yogyakarta
Governor's Decree Number 108, this axis was designated as the part of the
cultural heritage. As stated in the decree, the areas around the philosophical
axis must represent the meaning of Sangkan Paraning Dumadi, both in terms
of activities and spaces. Furthermore, the presence of Islamic boarding
schools, also known as pesantren, helps to transform Krapyak District into a
solid Islamic community. This study aims to identify the relation between
activity patterns and the built environment in Krapyak District. The harmony
between activity patterns, the built environment, and the meaning of a
complex philosophical axis of Krapyak District is fascinating to investigate,
especially in light of the district's environmental issues. This study used a
deductive approach with a descriptive-qualitative method based on the
behavioral space system model of place-centered mapping. It is concluded
that there are three layers of activity and space, namely the religious layer,
the socio-cultural layer, and the philosophical axis layer, that interact one
another with some specific spatial patterns.


Krapyak; philosophical axis; activity system; spatial pattern; behavioral space mapping; Islamic activities; pondok pesantren

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