Urban planning is a combination of two important factors: arts and science. It is used to facilitate the economic, social, political and physical changes of an area, including the selection of urban location, shape, and impact of urban planning. Comprehensive planning realizes the needs of the population with strong support from the local political authority. This study analyses the relationship between Ibn Khaldun's urban planning principles to Bandar Baru Bangi's urban planning and physical development. This study uses the content analysis method from the primary source of Ibn Khaldun's “Mukadimah” and government documents; the Rancangan Tempatan Majlis Perbandaran Kajang (Pengubahan 4) 2020 [RT MPKj (P4) 2020]. It is the official document that discusses the proposal of land use and physical development in the Majlis Perbandaran Kajang (MPKj) area. Special planning guidelines were used to develop Bandar Baru Bangi (BBB) as "Bandar Ilmu" (Knowledge City) and also part of the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) project. Urban planning by Ibn Khaldun and the Cyber Centre Planning Guidelines by MPKj in RT MPKj (P4) 2020 have similarities and differences. It is because of the wide time interval between both (years 1344 and 2011). The impact of technology provides different views and plans in both. However, urban planning goals and objectives remain the same: to provide comfort, convenience, and peace for people to conduct daily routines while improving security and progress.
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