Article manuscript is a result of research or literature study that never published before. The article can be written in Indonesia and English with some components by Arial Narrow 12.


Title is written concisely and informative (max. 15 words); author (no title); address and email of corresponding.


Abstract is written concisely and clearly in Indonesia and English with 150-200 words.


Keyword is chosen carrefully to make easy searching with max. 5 words.


Introduction presented briefly and clearly information concerning background, literature review, and aim/purpose of the research. This part should be written using Arial Narrow 12. Between the first sentence and the subtitle is given 6 pt spacing. Then, between the last sentence and the next subtitle is given one entering.

Materials and Methods

The materials must be written completely with the brand and its purity (quality), for example H2SO4 37% (Merck). The materials that are written is the main ingredients. Equipment is written in this section only contains major tool with the brand, for example electric Furnace (Carbolite). This part should be written by Arial Narrow 12.

Result and Discussion

Result and discussion must be written by Arial Narrow 12. In this part contains result of research and scientific discussion. The result of research and must be supported by sufficient data. Result and discussion be presented continuously start from main data until supporting data and completed with discussion. Furthermore, it should be explained also in comparison with the results of other researchers about the same topic. The results of the research and findings must be able to answer the research hypotheses in the introduction. Unit of measurement used should follow the international system.



Conclusion describes the answer of the purpose research and should be explained clearly. In the end conclusion, it can be written suggestion. Suggestion contains recommendation or advices for next research.

Acknoweldgement (if any)

Acknowledgments stated to the grant source and the person to whom the grant was given. Acknowledgment can also be addressed to person who helps the research.


Alchemy's reference is written based on APA style (American Psychological Association) 6th Edition in Mendeley Reference Manager.

Mehta, B. K., Manjul Verma, and Meenal Gupta. 2008. “Novel Lipid Constituents Identified in Seeds of Nigella Sativa (Linn).” Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 19(3):458–62.

Ionita, P. 2005. “Is DPPH Stable Free Radical a Good Scavenger for Oxygen Active Species ?” Chemical Papers 59(1):11–16.

Rababah, T.M., N.S. Hettiarachchy, and R. 2004. “Total Phenolics and Antioxidant Activities of Fenugreek, Green tea, Black Tea, Grape Seed, Ginger, Rosemary, Gotu Kola, and Ginkgo Extracts, Vitamin E, and tert-Butylhydroquinone.” J. Agric. Food Chem. 52(16):5183-5186.

Randhawa, M. A. 2008. “Black Seed, Nigella Sativa, Deserves More Attention.” J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 20(2):1–2.


Writing intructions

Some additions of writing instructions are (a) maximum pages of articel 10; (b) paper size A4 (210 x 297 mm); (c) format margin: top 3 cm, bottom 2 cm, inside 3 cm, outside 2 cm; and (d) font Arial Narrow 12 pt with single line spasing, except for abstract 10 pt.

Figure and Table

Figure and table are written by Arial Narrow 12. Figure caption is put in the bottom of figures, 12 pt after paragraph.  Graphic and scheme is included figure. The figure must be clear and high resolution (black-white).

Table caption is put on the right top of tables with single spacing and 12 pt from last paragraph. The table is placed on 4 pt after table caption and the content is written by Arial Narrow 11. If any notes were written using Arial Narrow 11 single spacing and 4 pt after the table. The next paragraph is written 12 pt after the table notes.


Instruction of article manuscipt submission via online

  1. Submit article manuscript via online submission system in E-Journal ALCHEMY: Journal of Chemistry Portal (
  2. Register as author (tick role as author) in "Register" or
  3. Login as author and click "New Submission". There are 5 steps i.e. (1) Start, (2) Upload Submission, (3) Enter Metadata, (4) Upload Supplementary Files and (5) Confirmation.
  4. In the first step "Start", choose Jurnal Section (Full Article), tick all of checklist.
  5. Second step "Upload Submission", upload file of article manuscript in Microsfot word.
  6. Third step "Enter metadata", input all of the author data and its affiliation, article title, abstract and indexing keywords.
  7. Fourth step "Upload Supplementary Files", author is allowed to add other files.
  8. Fifth step "Confirmation", click "Finish Submission", if all of the data is complete.
  9. If there is difficultness, author could ask directly to Editorial of ALCHEMY: Journal of Chemistry by email (

Article Publication

Arctile is written in Microsoft word and is submitted via online. Reviewing process is conducted by the Editorial Board. The editor can reject the article if it is not relevant with chemistry, not up to date, or has been published before. Editor is not responsible for article content and only have a right to make grammar improvement in each manuscript. All of procesess, start from collecting article to publishing in ALCHEMY: Journal of Chemistry, is FREE.


Template of research article manuscript can be dowloaded in HERE for Indonesia and HERE for English.

Template of review article manuscript can be dowloaded in HERE for Indonesia and HERE for English.