On the Modification of Newton-Secant Method in Solving Nonlinear Equations for Multiple Zeros of Trigonometric Function

Juhari Juhari


This study discusses the analysis of the modification of Newton-Secant method and solving nonlinear equations having a multiplicity of  by using a modified Newton-Secant method. A nonlinear equation that has a multiplicity   is an equation that has more than one root. The first step is to analyze the modification of the Newton-Secant method, namely to construct a mathematical model of the Newton-Secant method using the concept of the Newton method and the concept of the Secant method. The second step is to construct a modified mathematical model of the Newton-Secant method by adding the parameter . After obtaining the modified formula for the Newton-Secant method, then applying the method to solve a nonlinear equations that have a multiplicity . In this case, it is applied to the nonlinear equation which has a multiplicity of . The solution is done by selecting two different initial values, namely  and . Furthermore, to determine the effectivity of this method, the researcher compared the result with the Newton-Raphson method, the Secant method, and the Newton-Secant method that has not been modified. The obtained results from the analysis of modification of Newton-Secant method is an iteration formula of the modified Newton-Secant method. And for the result of  using a modified Newton-Secant method with two different initial values, the root of  is obtained approximately, namely  with less than iterations. whereas when using the Newton-Raphson method, the Secant method, and the Newton-Secant method, the root  is also approximated, namely  with more than  iterations. Based on the problem to find the root of the nonlinear equation  it can be concluded that the modified Newton-Secant method is more effective than the Newton-Raphson method, the Secant method, and the Newton-Secant method that has not been modified


Method; Modification; Newton-Secant; Nonlinear; Multiplicity

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/ca.v7i1.12934


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