Determination of Term Life Insurance Premiums with Varying Interest Rates Following The CIR Model and Varying Benefits Value
Term life insurance is an insurance that provides protection for a certain period that has been agreed upon in the policy. The policy is an agreement that contains the participant's obligation to pay premiums contributions to the insurance company and the insurance company's obligation to pay benefits in the event of a risk to the insurance participant as agreed in the policy. Interest rates will influence the calculation of premium value and benefits in the long term. So we need a model of interest rates that will change by time. One of the models that can be used is the CIR model. This research purposes to simulate the CIR model that will be carried out to determine interest rates for calculating term life insurance premiums for five years, with premiums paid at the beginning of the 1/m interval or monthly premium payments and benefits paid at the end of the 1/m interval when the participant dies. The case that will be discussed is when the benefit various. The results of this study are the CIR model can be applied to calculate the term life insurance premiums for five years and the premium calculation results show that the amount of the premium increase every year with varying benefits.
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