Bilangan Kromatik Grap Commuting dan Non Commuting Grup Dihedral

Handrini Rahayuningtyas, Abdussakir Abdussakir, Achmad Nashichuddin


Commuting graph is a graph that has a set of points X and two different vertices to be connected directly if each commutative in G. Let G non abelian group and Z(G) is a center of G. Noncommuting graph is a graph which the the vertex is a set of G\Z(G) and two vertices x and y are adjacent if and only if xy≠yx. The vertex colouring of G is giving k colour at the vertex, two vertices that are adjacent not given the same colour. Edge colouring of G is two edges that have common vertex are coloured with different colour. The smallest number k so that a graph can be coloured by assigning k colours to the vertex and edge called chromatic number. In this article, it is available the general formula of chromatic number of commuting and noncommuting graph of dihedral group


chromatic number; vertex colouring; edge colouring; commuting and noncommuting graph; dihedral group

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Copyright (c) 2015 Handrini Rahayuningtyas, Abdussakir Abdussakir, Achmad Nashichuddin

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