User Profile

Kinnaird Vernita

Bio Statement

There's only one move left, hastily skimming the field I discover there is no path to victory on the board - painfully then with a singular swipe across the screen I take the final step towards the inescapable loss of my final life. As the input is complete the newly aligned brightly coloured trio of candy exuberantly bursts against the backdrop of defeat as the stage expectedly fails to clear - immediately a window splays itself across my phones display. Chirpily full of itself the box informs me for a small price I can buy a few more lives and have another go; alternately I can gloomily spend 20 minutes moping whilst I wait for them to replenish themselves. If you haven't guessed yet I'm of course referencing the mobile free to play phenomena, Bejewelled inspired, Candy Crush Saga.

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