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Mr clark sleap

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Will Be able to purchase TV shows and download them for their gaming hard disk as well as rent and watch films in their consoles.

 Xbox 360 symbolizes the very first video game console to secure Programming from major content providers and the introduction of a new front in digital media distribution alongside the likes of Apple's iTunes along with Verizon's VCast.

 Microsoft director of platform approach Scott Henson said there Will be tens of thousands of hours of tv and film content on the match's virtual storeftont, Xbox Live Marketplace, by year's end.

 "The reason why the Hollywood studios are eager to partner With us is because we've got this 18 to 34 year-old demographic that is extremely valuable and attractive to those networks and content providers," Henson said. "This really is a fantastic chance to achieve them in a different way. I believe you're going to see because of that a great deal of different studios jumping on board over time with additional TV shows and films."

 Microsoft isn't divulging pricing yet on TV shows or films, but Henson said it will be aggressive with other electronic offerings, together with HD content marginally costlier than standard definition.

 TV episodes will likely be updated on a regular basis and accessible for Purchase as early as a day after they air.

 "TV displays will accompany a purchase to own version," Henson said. "Consumers can download a series as many times as he or she desires and from anywhere in the U.S., such as on other Xbox 360 consoles."

 Films will adhere to the leasing download model. After a picture is Purchased and downloaded to the Xbox 360's 20GB hard drive, it stays there until played. Once played, the consumer has 24 hours to see it.

 Along with TV shows and films, There'll be sports Content, including NASCAR races out of TBS and over 80 Ultimate Fighting Championship matchups.

 The new Marketplace programming will only play on Xbox 360 and Not be understated to your PC or other apparatus at least for now.

 "Certainly as we think about this stuff longer duration, that is Certainly an interesting scenario," Henson said.

 Microsoft has 4 million Xbox Live members worldwide which have Downloaded more than 70 million pieces of gaming and such brief form entertainment content since music videos and film trailers during the 11 weeks Marketplace has been accessible.


 The addition of complete movies and TV episodes will enable Hollywood studios to target garners initial with theatrical releases then together with direct to game console rentals.

 Microsoft has sold 6 million Xbox 360 traits globally to date And expects to reach a global installed base of 10 million units by year's end.

 Even Though the target Xbox 360 gamer skews older than the 18 34 Demo, Henson sees TV and film content as a different means to bring in younger household members to the console in addition to a female audience. He said such shows like"SpongeBob" and"Survivor" allure to such audiences and that this service might help attract other members of a household with Xbox.

 Henson said the U.S. market will be the first to Get movie And TV content but that extra foreign markets will soon come online in the future.

 "Regardless of what you do in entertainment movies, games or music you Need to Make sure the content will be relevant To the region," Henson said. "We are going to start with the U.S., learn from the U.S. and then grow and continue to expand that. (We will be) in 25 countries with Xbox Live by the end of this calendar year, so there is a terrific chance to extend this support ."

 Sony Corp., which ships its PlayStation 3 to Nov. 17 with its Own digital distribution system, PlayStation Network, will look to movies, TV content and audio down the line but has not yet announced specific bargains. Games are the first focus, as they have been for Microsoft during the last year using its Xbox Arcade service.

 "Sony has organic in house benefits with Sony Pictures Film and television units and music divisions, which they haven't taken advantage of PlayStation 2," said PJ McNealy, video game analyst for American Technology Research.

 "Microsoft has their work cut out for them," McNealy added. "They've taken the highlights from what's worked with the iTunes model and are incorporating them into Xbox Live Marketplace. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery."

 Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 have been viewed as Trojan horses that will Enter homes around the world as gaming machines but will uncover extra Capacities through electronic supply and next generation technology. PS3 ships Using Blu ray Disc technologies, and consumers can purchase a $200 add on HD DVD drive To play generation DVDs on Xbox 360.