Mohammad Miftahusyaian


Social capital related with collective value in the social network which is growth-develop as the implication of reciprocal relationship that occur therein. Collective value is naturally creating and maintaining social capital. Increases, decreases, or the survival social capital   is depends on the collective values that exist in social network. In short, social capital is recognized has great influence from economic development and poverty reduction. In Indonesia to dig and take the hidden social capital need to be knitted trust of each element of this nation. Trust is media and first step to bind “Bridging Social Capital” of Indonesia. Ethic, religion, race, language, party, ideology, and other various primordial barriers should be fostered to strengthen social capital. Indonesia has been proven -through the struggle against the colonizer- that social capital in Indonesia is so “extraordinary”.

Keywords: Social Capital, Development.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/jpips.v2i1.6842


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