The Provision of Radd in Inheritance Between Islamic Jurisprudence and the Algerian Family Law

Maiza Aissa


This study is aimed to figure out  on how current legal device gives legal certainty over the excess of heritage partition (radd) in Algeria. The comparation between Islamic jurisprudence and the Algerian Family Law is used to analyse judicial consideration on which matters regarding the excess of heritage partition are based. The writer used normative law method which consists of statute approach and conceptual approach. The understanding of radd in Islamic scholars’ views differ from one another. Some scholars accept the concept and some do not. Those who disagree with radd consider that the excess of heritage should be given to bayt al mal as muslims representative. On the other hand, scholars who agree with the concept of radd have also different opinions regarding who are entitled to receive the excess of heritage. Some include spouse (husband or wife) but some exclude him/her. The Algerian Family Law gives provision in this case for a legal certanty, as it’s stated in the article number 167 of the Algerian Family Code that wife and husband are excluded to receive radd. They can only receive it in the absence of ashaba heirs/residuaries, other fixed share heirs, and  dzaw al arham (uterine relatives).

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perangkat hukum saat ini memberikan kepastian hukum atas kelebihan bagian warisan (radd) di Aljazair. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan perbandingan antara fikih Islam dan Hukum Keluarga Aljazair. Penulis menggunakan metode hukum normatif yang terdiri dari pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Pemahaman radd dalam pandangan sarjana Islam berbeda satu sama lain. Beberapa sarjana menerima konsep itu dan beberapa tidak. Mereka yang tidak setuju dengan radd menganggap bahwa kelebihan warisan harus diberikan kepada bayt al mal sebagai perwakilan muslim. Di sisi lain, para sarjana yang setuju dengan konsep radd juga memiliki pendapat berbeda tentang siapa yang berhak menerima kelebihan warisan. Hukum Keluarga Aljazair memberikan ketentuan dalam kasus ini untuk kepastian hukum, seperti yang dinyatakan dalam pasal 167 dari Kode Keluarga Aljazair bahwa istri dan suami dikecualikan untuk menerima radd. Mereka hanya dapat menerimanya tanpa adanya ahli waris/ashabah, pewaris bagian tetap lainnya, dan dzaw al arham (kerabat dekat).

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Copyright (c) 2018 Maiza Aissa

Published By:

Shariah Faculty Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Gajayana Street 50 Malang, East Java, Indonesia


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