A. Khudori Soleh


The idea of al-Faruqi’s Islamization of knowledge is a respon to the negative impact arising from the advances of modern science, and a priori attitudes of Muslims to the progress of science. This idea is created based on 5 basic principles: the oneness of God, the unity of creation, the unity of truth, unity of life and the unity of human. The purpose of this movement are: to mould a scholar who is (1) expert in modern science, (2) expert in the treasure of Islamic science, (3) understands the relevance of Islam with modern science, (4) able to integrate Islamic sciences with modern science creatively, (5) directs the Islamic thoughts to the God's plan. Therefore, to achieve these purposes, Al- Faruqi makes 12 strategic moves which enable the student to: (1) be an expert in modern science, (2) analyzes modern science, (3) masters the Islamic sciences, (4) analyzes Islamic science, (5) understands the relevance of Islamic science to modern science, (6) be a critical analyst of modern science, (7) be a critical analyst of Islamic science, (8) Surveys the problems faced by Muslims, (9) surveys the problems faced by human, (10) be a creative synthesis, (11) writes the result of integration , (12) socialize.


Islam; modern; Islamization

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