Three-cells dynamic lead-acid battery has been widely manufactured as the latest secondary battery technology. It is being carried out by 10 cycles of charge-discharge treatment with a various types of SoC, such as 100% (Full charge 5100 mAh), 50% (2550 mAh), 25% (1275 mAh) and discharge current of 0.8A. This experiment aims to analyze the treatment of SOC conditions on the performance of the lead-acid battery. The cyclicality test has performed using a Battery Management System (BMS) by applying an electric current at charging 1 A and discharging 0.8A. The results of the SOC charging conditions at 100%, 50%, 25% respectively gave a difference in the value of voltage efficiency of 84%, 87%, 88%, capacity efficiency values of 84%, 80%, 69%, energy efficiency values of 70%, 70%, 62%. The 100% and 50% SOC treatments showed better performance and battery energy the 25% SOC treatment. This research can be a recommendation to predict the performance of the lead-acid battery model during the charging and discharging process.
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