Tembang “Lir-Ilir” Bagi Guru Guna Menumbuhkan Motivasi Belajar Di Pendidikan Formal (Studi Kasus Di Tk Wahid Hasyim Dinoyo Malang)

Endang Sih Pujiharti


Motivation to learn in early childhood are things that need attention from parents, teachers and the community, because it is generally a child is still not able to realize the wishes and needs related to learning without the help of others. Song "Lir-ilir" by Sunan Kalijaga, has a very important significance and depth that can be used as a source of inspiration by teachers to motivate children's learning, because teachers are the leaders for the students. This study aims to determine: 1) The meaning implied in the song "Lir-ilir"; 2) The role of teachers in schools with regard to early childhood learning motivation; 3) Efforts that teachers do to motivate learning early childhood by making the meaning of the song "Lir-ilir" as a source of inspiration. This study used a qualitative approach and descriptive method. The data was collected through interviews, observation and documentation. Result: 1 ) meaning contained in the song "Lir-ilir" very important and in-depth, 2) one of the teacher's role is very important in the learning process is as a motivator. Then the teacher demanded to motivate children's learning. 3) efforts undertaken teachers to motivate the child to learn to make meaning of the song "Lir-ilir" as a source of inspiration is: learn singing, learning through play, using props and iridescence of interest in learning.


Meaning; Tembang; Motivation; Formal Education

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/jmpi.v1i2.3963


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