Pendapat Ulama MUI Kota Malang Terhadap Jual Beli Account Clash Of Clans (COC)

Iin Yuliastutik


Looking at the phenomenon purchase transactions are growing today, a lot going on sale and purchase of Clash of Clans Account (COC) through online, as happened in the Facebook group “Sell Buy Clash Of Clans Indonesia”. In the case of sale and purchase of Clash of Clans Account (COC) of the goods bought and sold does not belong to gamers, but belongs to the game master. As in the object of sale and purchase of goods bought and sold the goods can be used, the goods are in the hands diakadkan and reserved people who do contract. But the issue this time the goods are bought and sold is not privately owned but belongs to the game master. But in reality rife Clash of Clans Account bought and sold, where buying and selling did not meet the elements that exist in buying and selling, but selling is still rife among gamers.

Melihat fenomena transaksi jual beli yang berkembang saat ini, banyak terjadi jual beli Account Clash of Clans (COC) melalui online, seperti yang terjadi di grup Facebook “Jual Beli Clash Of Clans Indonesia”. Pada kasus jual beli Account Clash of Clans (COC) tersebut barang yang diperjualbelikan bukan milik pemain game, melainkan milik game master. Sebagaimana dalam objek jual beli barang yang diperjualbelikan yakni barang dapat dimanfaatkan, barang yang diakadkan ada ditangan dan milik orang yang melakukan akad. Namun dalam permasalahan kali ini barang yang diperjualbelikan bukan milik pribadi melainkan milik game master. Akan tetapi dalam kenyataannya Account Clash of Clans marak diperjualbelikan, yang mana jual beli ini tidak memenuhi unsur-unsur yang ada dalam jual beli, akan tetapi jual beli tersebut masih marak di kalangan gamer.


Opinions Ulama MUI; Purchase; Clash of Clans (COC);

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Jurusan Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
Fakultas Syariah
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Jl. Gajayana No. 50, 65144 Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Telp./Fax.: (0341) 559399


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