العلاقة بين الطريقة والميول الطبيعية في تعليم اللغة الثانية

Teguh Setyabudi


The natural tendency is important potential that humans have since they were born. This potential usually gets a minimum portion in the development of various sciences. It is caused by some opinion that said it only relates to human’s ability to suffice their daily necessity. In fact, various theories have been shown by some educational expert that the natural tendency can support the maximum achievement of individual skill in developing various sciences. Based on the analysis of the theories supported by educational expert, the researcher has found close correlation between learning methodology and natural tendency in the process of second language learning to children. The fact has shown that children can experience the difficulty to learn second language. The solution found from this discussion is the model selection or the form of learning second language should be adapted with the children natural tendency. For this reason, the appropriateness between the both has resulted fun learning situation and condition of second language learning can be effective and efficient.


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