تعليم مهارة الكلام بالمدخل البنائي

Sugeng Ali Mansyur


Conversation is one of four inportance skills, it`s dominant as the way of communication in our life. Beside that, concrite parameter, told some one fluently in Arabic if they can speak Arabic well. This matter look from question of researchers for university studentys, “why ability of their Arabic is not expected?” Otherwise this research is focused of this problem.

The population of this research is Special Arabic Program (PKBA) student by using D-2 class as the example (middle class). It`s 33 students, from data known the weaknes of students in speaking arabic, because of low motivation, no priority, lack of vocabularies, and related themes to speak Arabic for them. This research focus on getting the descriptive of their skill ability to speak Arabic before and after constructive theory. 

This research is experement research by using one group pre-test – post-test, without control class. By experement the researcher obserbed directly to learning process then did pre –est, and then aplied by constructive theory and the research end it by post-test. The results of both of the is the main data of this research as analysis process by using “t” test to know the significant.

The result of pre-test and post-test known that conversation skill learning process by using constructive theory is very signivicant. Where “t” hitung = 9.337 % > “t” tabel = 2. 04 %. Believable 97.5 %. Hypothesis of this research is conversation skill of university student of Special Arabic Program(PKPBA) will increase if they construct or build the knowledge the skill by them selves.

There is development 89.90 % from all of conversation skills. Vocal is 3.42 %, Vocabulary is 13.00 %, election is 13.57 %, structure sentence is 5.14 %, norm language is 7.73 %, fluently is 5.93 %, Intonation is 8.65 %, comprehension is 17.83 %, Intelectual activity is 7.11 %, and brave or motivation is 7.51 %. From those skills, the dominant thing is the content of understanding, idiomatic choice, and vocabulary. This three items are very important to speak Arabic.

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