Ahmad Solahuddin, Atiqoh Firdaus, Saifuddin Zuhri Qudsy


Many Indonesian people talk about the additional ṣallû fî riḥâlikum in azan, thus questioning the hadith that is referred to. Afterwards, the Indonesian ‘Ulamâ’ Council (MUI) immediately states that allû fî riḥâlikum refers to al-Bukhârî: 632; 666 and Muslim: 699. Next, MUI appeals to muezzins to read the additional in the hope that people will not attend mosques and avoid communal worship. Even so, public still do not fully believe in MUI, and the allû fî riḥâlikum was not announced, hence the congregational prayers continued. With this background, this paper attempts to address this problem by using culture-shock, reception, sociology theories. This research found that, allû fî riḥâlikum became a cultural shock and was perceived in Indonesia with three kinds of models: dominant, negotiated, and optional readings. Ṣallû fî riḥâlikum becomes an "objective meaning" and is used by Muslims when prayer itself is more important than congregational prayer in order to avoid demolition. allû fî riḥâlikum is expressed in various forms. Some read it while holding back sobs, others refuse. In the end allû fî riḥâlikum became cultural documentation for Muslims as a whole.


azan; culture shock; hadith; reception; sociology of knowledge

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/ua.v21i2.10139


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