QIRÂ’AH MUBÂDALAH APPROACH TO THE QUR’AN: The Interpretation of Q.S. al-Nisâ’ [4]: 34
This writing is the author’s reflection on one of social phenomena. When a Khatib (preacher), in his preach, quotes al-Nisâ’ [4]: 34, he says that “A wife can be hit if she disobeys or shows ill-conducts (nushûz) to husband’s command”. This statement is attention-grabbing because it is not just him, even the latest scholar still defines ḍaraba as a hitting, so does in the 2020 edition of the Quran translation published by the Indonesian Ministry of Religion. This surely confronts with Quran basic principles itself that address fairness, equality, and mercy for the entire universe. Hence, the basic problem in this writing is that how to precisely understand or interpret the word ḍaraba in that verse, thus, the author proposes a mubâdalah (reciprocal) approach. The main argument in this writing is the word ḍaraba in al-Nisâ’ [4]: 34 does not mean a hitting but "going" to ask other people’s help to solve their household problems. In addition, ḍaraba is not just for nushûz wife, but also applied to husband.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/ua.v21i2.10218
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