Ahmad Kholil


this sophisticated technology era, the western morality which is based on individual freedom has spread quickly. According to its followers, the morality is a freedom measured by ability to develop and fulfill human desire without giving attention to its psychological and social effect. This view has dragged human into weakness and darkness of culture as the result of zero separation between right (allowed) and wrong (harm). On the other hand, in Islamic view, morality cannot be separated from the purpose of human creation that is based on the spirit of devotion to God and nature. So, every activity will have a positive value if it appropriates with His command. In this case, noble activity cannot be measured by honor from others because of its appropriateness to the others view, but certain activity which has strong relation with divinity external source.


morality; humanism; benefit; togetherness; secularity; divinity

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/ua.v0i0.2373


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