Isti’anah Abubakar


The success of Muhammad in building an Islamic society could be felt until today. The alteration of Islamic society has been an evolution which could be used as an inspiration to had a better society in the future. The society before Islam Identically recognized as a community people who ignored the norm of humanity, selfish, rude, barbarous, and ashâbiyah qaumiyyah. This alteration to be a humanity society was the perfect evolution. Therefore, this study will explore the basic of philosophical evolution and its process which can be implemented in building a civil  society.The success of Muhammad in building an Islamic society could be felt until today. The alteration of Islamic society has been an evolution which could be used as an inspiration to had a better society in the future. The society before Islam Identically recognized as a community people who ignored the norm of humanity, selfish, rude, barbarous, and ashâbiyah qaumiyyah. This alteration to be a humanity society was the perfect evolution. Therefore, this study will explore the basic of philosophical evolution and its process which can be implemented in building a civilsociety.


islamic society; evolution; humanity; civil society

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Ulul Albab: Jurnal Studi Islam, P-ISSN : 1858-4349, E-ISSN : 2442-5249