Korelasi Antara Hasta Brata (Konsep Keemimpinan dalam Perspektif Budaya Jawa) dan Islamic leadership (Konsep Kepemimpinan dalam perspektif Islam)

Muhammad Hamim


Leadership is a process when one directs, guides, affects or control the thoughts,feelings, or behavior of others. It is obvious that leadership is one’s action orperformance that causes someone else or a group moves toward specific purposes.There are three things that need to be distinguished, the leader, leadership andleading. The position of “leader” is a role in a particular system. Those in aformal role do not necessarily have the leadership skills and not necessarily ableto lead. Leadership, is basically related to one’s skills, expertise, and level ofpower. Leadership can be owned by people who are not “leaders”. Leadershipability affects others in various ways, while leading is the result of the use ofone’s role. The leadership concept in the perspective of Javanese and Islam isexplored in this article.


Hasta Brata; Islamic leadership

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/ua.v14i3.2662


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