Moh Rosyid


This article discusses about Shahadatayn tarîqah, one of lesser-known tarîqah in Indonesia. The writer explores it from a primary source written by Abah ‘Umar, the founder of this tarîqah and other supporting references. To be a member of Shahadatayn tarîqah, one is acknowledged through an inaugural ceremony (bay‘at), uhâ and tahajjud praying in fourty days, reciting alawât tunjînâ, wirid, Asmâ’ Nûr al-Îmân, and Asmâ’ al-usnâ. Shahadatayn is known for its uniqueness such as implementing the meaning of shahâdat in daily life, wearing white attire and turban when performing prayer, chanting after the obligatory prayers, uhâ, tahajud, and other sunna prayers. Shahadatayn tarîqah is not as famous as the other tarîqah as it has not been listed in the JATMAN as mu‘tabar version. This is because there is no murshid transformation from the Prophet Muhammad and continues through the path of the âlih to the murshid. JATMAN version can not be an absolute reference for it is within the circle of NU and not all tarekat residents are NU members. Furthermore, the actual Shahadatayn has a murshid lineage, i.e. from Prophet Muhammad, Sharif Hidayatullah, and Abah ‘Umar who is now passed on by his descendants. Although it is realized that the genealogy is not as many other tarîqahs, but the content of his teachings is in line with the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad.


mu‘tabar; ritual; Shahadatayn; ṭarîqah

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Majalah al-Kisah Nomor 09/4-17 Mei 2009.



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