Zainal Habib


The epistemological thinking of uûrî in ikmat al-Ishrâqiyah Suhrawardî has provided a new direction for the development of Islamic knowledge. In the ontological perspective, the idea of illumination provides an understanding that there is an extensive range of realities, stretching indefinitely, which ultimately leads to the understanding of essentialism. Suhrawardî's success in bringing forth this illuminative thinking entails his profound mastery of philosophy and Sufism, as well as his high intelligence in formulating Islamic thought. The only solution to the problem of developing knowledge according to Suhrawardî, lies in the reality of uûrî  (knowledge with presence), in which there are many dialogues about 'subjects who know' or 'I am performative'. In this concept, oneself knows itself through the science of uûrî (knowledge with presence), which is existentially identical to the form of 'oneself' itself.


epistemology of ḥuḍûrî; Ḥikmat al-Ishrâqiyah; Suhrawardî al-Maqtûl

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/ua.v19i2.5507


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