Rasm Mushaf Usmany Dan Rahasianya (Sebuah kajian tentang bukti. baru kemu'jizatan AI-Qur'an)

Abdul Aziz


Syalabi wrote, in his book that Abu Bakar has collected Al-Qur'an comprising seven readings which are allowed to be read. He did not specify on one certain reading. A lot of his friends also had their own mushaf. The differences, then, caused the different reading among Iraq and Syam society. This dispute made Khudzaifah bin al-Yaman was angry. He informed it to Usman bin Affan r.a. and finally Usman united the people in one letter or one reading and Rasm.


Rasm; Al-Qur'an; Usman bin Affan

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Imam Ibn Khalawih, Syarah: Abdul 'Ali Salim Mukarram, Al.Hujjah fi al Qira 'at al Sab 'I, Dar al Syuruq, Kuwait.

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Atabik Ali, Kamus Kontemporer Arab-Indonesia, Cet. Keempat, Yogyakarta: Multi Karya Grafika, 1996.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/ua.v4i1.6134


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