This Research was aimed to determine the construct and implementation of the concept of religious tolerance in Darut Taqwa boarding school Pasuruan led by Kyai Sholeh Bahruddin. This study used a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach, whereas the method of data collection used in-depth interviews and documentation. The results of this study showed that: Construct of Kyai Sholeh thought about pluralism and religious tolerance, which is also the foundation for the
policy programs at Darut Taqwa boarding school, can be categorized in the inclusive of thought and attitude, which is believe in the existence of truth and salvation of other religions but the highest safety standards of truth remain in their own religion. Kyai Sholeh while promoting the truth of Islam as a religion, but He did not reduce its respect for other religions and not be an impediment to establishing religious tolerance in public life. Kyai Sholeh thought of religious tolerance is also well applied in His policies in managing the boarding school and formal education institutions, which is able to be a reflection of Islam and Islamic boarding school which are inclusive and rahmatan lil alamin.
policy programs at Darut Taqwa boarding school, can be categorized in the inclusive of thought and attitude, which is believe in the existence of truth and salvation of other religions but the highest safety standards of truth remain in their own religion. Kyai Sholeh while promoting the truth of Islam as a religion, but He did not reduce its respect for other religions and not be an impediment to establishing religious tolerance in public life. Kyai Sholeh thought of religious tolerance is also well applied in His policies in managing the boarding school and formal education institutions, which is able to be a reflection of Islam and Islamic boarding school which are inclusive and rahmatan lil alamin.
pesantren darut taqwa; toleransi beragama; kyai sholeh; inklusif; multikultural
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Copyright (c) 2014 Erik Sabti Rahmawati, M. Hatta Satria
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Shariah Faculty Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim MalangGajayana Street 50 Malang, East Java, Indonesia
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