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Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
The Journal of Islamic Architecture (JIA) is a scientific publication that promotes widespread research and criticism on Islamic architecture studies. It publishes articles covering textual and fieldwork studies on various perspectives of Islamic Architecture, including architectural design, mosque architecture, art and culture, architectural history, architectural theory and criticism, and many topics in architecture based on Islamic values.
All papers submitted to the journal should be written in good English. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to have their papers checked before submission for grammar and clarity. The official language of the manuscript to be published in the Journal of Islamic Architecture (JIA) is English. All papers must consist of original, unpublished work not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Essays should be a minimum of 5,000 words in length and no longer than 10,000 words, except in special circumstances. The submitted paper is at least 7 pages and no more than 20 pages. Editors will evaluate if a paper needs more than 20 pages.
If the content and format of the submitted essay are seen as appropriate by the editors, the paper will then be sent out for 'blind review' by two independent referees. Revisions may be required in the light of referees' comments before a decision is made to accept or reject the paper.
1. General Author Guidelines
All manuscripts must be submitted to JIA (Journal of Islamic Architecture) Editorial Office by Online Submission at the E-Journal portal address: where the Author registers as Author and/or offered as Reviewer online. If authors have any problems with the online submission, please contact the Editorial Office at the following email: or
2. Paper Template
All papers should be prepared according to the following author guidelines in the MS Word article template:
3. Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submitted manuscript should not been previously published or concurrently submitted to another journal.
- The submission manuscript file should only be in Microsoft Word (MS Word).
- Please insert all the authors' names into the system through the following functions: Submission, then Enter Metadata and add authors' names to the List of Contributors.
- The manuscript should be formatted according to the JIA template as in the Author's Guidelines.
- For the blind peer-reviewing processes, the submitted manuscript should not have the author’s names.
- The submitted manuscript should be attached with the plagiarism report through Turnitin software.
4. DOI for References
The DOI numbers should be used in reference lists when they are available. Includes https and the prefix ( before each DOI number and No full stop should be used at the end of a DOI.
5. Paper and Peer Review
Upon submission to a Journal of Islamic Architecture (JIA), your paper enters peer review, where “peers” evaluate the quality of your work. Reviewers aim to ensure the work is rigorous and coherent, uses existing research, and contributes to the discipline. Peer review brings academic research to publication in the following ways:
- Evaluation – Peer review is an effective form of research evaluation to help select the highest quality articles for publication.
- Integrity – Peer review ensures the integrity of the publishing process and the scholarly record. Reviewers are independent of journal publications and the research being conducted.
- Quality – The filtering process and revision advice improve the quality of the final research article as well as offering the author new insights into their research methods and the results that they have compiled. Peer review gives authors access to the opinions of experts in the field who can provide support and insight.
6. Production Process
We are conscious of, and understand, how keen authors are to see their work published. Journal of Islamic Architecture (JIA) production staff maintain regular communication with journal editors and authors throughout the production process. In addition, email messages are automatically sent out to the corresponding author at key points along the workflow to confirm that their article has been received in production and to inform them of their article’s progress.
7. Reviewing of the Manuscript
The Editor will check the manuscript first to decide whether this manuscript is appropriate for publication or not. If the content and format of the submitted essay are seen as appropriate by the editors, the paper will then be sent out for 'blind review' by two independent referees. Revisions may be required in the light of referees' comments before a decision is made to accept or reject the paper. The first review round will be done 30-60 days after the submission.
8. Revision of Manuscript
All papers sent back to the authors for revision should be returned to the Editor immediately. Revised articles can be sent to the editorial office through the Online Submission Interface in the "Upload Author Version" from the Review task window. The revised manuscripts returned after three months will be considered new submissions.
9. Guideline for Online Submission
The Author should first register as an Author and/or be offered as a Reviewer through the following address:
The Author should fulfil the form as detailed as possible where the star-marked form must be entered. After all form textbox was filled, the Author clicked the "Register" button to proceed with the registration. Therefore, the Author is brought to an online author submission interface where the Author should click "New Submission". In the Start, a New Submission section, click ' Click Here' to go to step one of the five-step submission process". The following are five steps in the online submission process:
- Step 1 - Starting the Submission: Select the appropriate section of the journal, i.e. Original Research Articles, Review Articles, or Short Communication. Thus, the Author must check-mark on the submission checklists. The Author may type or copy-paste the Covering Letter into Letter to the Editor.
- Step 2 – Uploading the Submission: To upload a paper to this journal, click Browse on the Upload submission file item and choose the manuscript document file (.doc/.docx) to be submitted, then click the "Upload" button until the file has been uploaded.
- Step 3 – Entering Submission's Metadata: Detailed author metadata should be entered, including marked corresponding Author. After that, the paper title and Abstract must be uploaded by copying the text and paste in the textbox including keywords.
- Step 4 – Uploading Supplementary Files: Supplementary files, including Covering/Submission Letter and Signed Copyright Transfer Agreement Form, should be uploaded. Therefore, click the Browse button, choose the files, and then click the Upload button.
- Step 5 – Confirming the Submission: The Author should final check the uploaded manuscript documents in this step. To submit the paper to the Journal of Islamic Architecture (JIA), click the Finish Submission button after the document is true. The corresponding Author or the principal contact will receive an acknowledgement by email. It can view the submission's editorial progress by logging in to the journal web address site.
After this submission, Authors who submit the paper will get a confirmation email about the submission. Therefore, Authors are able to track their submission status at any time by logging in to the online submission interface. The submission tracking includes the status of the manuscript review and editorial process. Download this infographic, which provides a visual journey of your paper’s process from submission to peer review until published. This path is also described below.
7. Author Fee (Article Processing Charge - APC)
Journal of Islamic Architecture is an open-access international journal. Readers can read and download any full-text articles free of charge (fully Open Access).
Starting from the manuscript submission in July 2021, the Author(s) (excluding Members of the Editors/Editorial Board/Reviewer) should pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) of US$ 250per article once the manuscript is accepted. An invoice will be sent to the Authors whose article was accepted. The accepted articles will not be published until the APC is paid by the Author(s). The APC will be used for the full-text PDF articles production cost.
8. User Rights
For the Journal of Islamic Architecture to publish and disseminate research articles, we need publishing rights (transferred from Author (s) to Publisher). This is determined by a publishing agreement between the Author (s) and JIA. This agreement deals with transferring or licensing the publishing copyright to JIA while Authors still retain significant rights to use and share their published articles. JIA supports the need for authors to share, disseminate, and maximize the impact of their research and these rights in any databases.
As a journal author, you have rights to a large range of uses of your article, including use by your employing institute or company. These Author rights can be exercised without the need to obtain specific permission. Authors publishing in JIA have wide rights to use their works for teaching and scholarly purposes without needing to seek permission, including:
- use for classroom teaching by the Author or the Author's institution and presentation at a meeting or conference and distributing copies to attendees;
- use for internal training by the Author's company;
- distribution to colleagues for their research use;
- use in a subsequent compilation of the Author's works;
- inclusion in a thesis or dissertation;
- reuse of portions or extracts from the article in other works (with full acknowledgment of the final article);
- preparation of derivative works (other than commercial purposes) (with full acknowledgment of the final article);
- voluntary posting on open websites operated by the Author or the Author's institution for scholarly purposes,
(but it should follow the open-access license of Creative Common CC-by-SA License).
Authors/Readers/Third Parties can copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, as well as remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. However, they must give appropriate credit (the name of the creator and attribution parties (authors detail information), a copyright notice, an open-access license notice, a disclaimer notice, and a link to the material), provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made (Publisher indicates the modification of the material (if any).
Authors/Readers/Third Parties can read, print and download, redistribute or republish the article (e.g. display in a repository), translate the article, download for text and data mining purposes, reuse portions or extracts from the article in other works, sell or reuse for commercial purposes, remix, transform, or build upon the material, and they must distribute their contributions under the same license as the original Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA).
9. Preparation Guidelines for texts
9.1. General Organization of Paper
The paper will be published in the Journal of Islamic Architecture (JIA) after a peer-reviewed process and decided "Accepted" by the Editor. The Editorial Office of the Journal of Islamic Architecture (JIA) will reproduce the final paper layout. The final paper layout in PDF type, known as "Uncorrected Proof," should be corrected by the Author. The final corrected proof will be published first in the "Article In Press" pre-issue.
Paper documents submitted to this journal should be in an MS Word doc file. All illustrations of any kind must be submitted as sequentially numbered figures, one to a page. Although high-resolution images are not required for the initial refereeing stage, if the essay is subsequently selected for publication then all figures and tables will need to be provided at the highest quality in digital format. When symbols, arrows, numbers, or letters are used to identify parts of illustrations, they must be clearly identified by a key in the figure legend rather than in the figure itself. Similarly, internal scales, staining, or processing of the figure must be explained where appropriate. Figure legends should be listed sequentially on a separate page. In all cases where the Author is not the owner of the copyright of the figures, written permission must be obtained from the copyright holder(s) to reproduce the figures in this journal.
Each table must be typed and consecutively numbered. They should have a brief informative title placed as a heading. Tables should be understandable without reference to the text, but they should be referred to in the text. An explanatory caption should be brief and placed beneath the table. Please note that the numbering of tables should differ from the numbering of figures.
Paper content should, in general, be organized in the following order: Title; Authors Name; Authors Affiliation; Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Method (for research-based articles); Content/Results and Discussion; Conclusions; and References.
9.2. Paper Title
This is your opportunity to attract the reader's attention. Remember that readers are the potential authors who will cite your article. Identify the main issue of the paper. Begin with the subject of the paper. Do not contain infrequently used abbreviations.
The paper's title must be concise, specific, informative, and complete, not exceeding 16 words.
9.3. Authors Name and Affiliations
Write Author(s) names without titles and professional positions such as Prof, Dr, Production Manager, etc. Do not abbreviate your last/family name. Always give your First and Last names (Full Name). Write clear affiliation of all Authors. Affiliation includes the name of the department/unit (faculty), name of the university, address, country, include email address.
9.4. Abstract and Keywords
The abstract should stand alone, which means that there is no citation in the Abstract. Consider it the advertisement of your article. The abstract should tell the prospective reader what you did and highlight the key findings. Avoid using technical jargon and uncommon abbreviations. You must be accurate, brief, clear, and specific. Use words which reflect the precise meaning, The Abstract should be precise and honest, summarising the significant points of the paper. Please follow word limitations (200-300 words).
9.5. Introduction
In the Introduction, the Authors should state the objectives of the work at the end of the introduction section. Before the objective, the Authors should provide an adequate background and a very short literature survey in order to record the existing solutions/method, to show which is the best of previous research, to show the main limitation of the previous research, to show what do you hope to achieve (to solve the limitation) and to show the scientific merit or novelties of the paper. Avoid a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results. The introduction should clearly state the purpose of the paper. It should include key references to appropriate work but should not be a historical or literature review.
9.6. Method
The methods section describes the rationale for applying specific procedures or techniques to identify, select, and analyze information applied to understanding the research problem, thereby allowing the reader to critically evaluate a study's overall validity and reliability.
9.7. Result and Discussion
Content is the body of the paper, consisting of a sub-title that represents a discussion of the paper. Results should be clear and concise. The results should summarize (scientific) findings rather than provide data in great detail. The discussion should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.
In discussion, it is the most important section of your article. Here, you get the chance to sell your data. Make the discussion corresponding to the results, but do not reiterate the results. Often should begin with a brief summary of the main scientific findings (not experimental results). The following components should be covered in the discussion: How do your results relate to the original question or objectives outlined in the Introduction section (what)? Do you provide an interpretation scientifically for each of your results or findings presented (why)? Are your results consistent with what other investigators have reported (what else)?
9.8. Conclusion
Conclusions should answer the objectives of the research and tell how your work advances the field from the present state of knowledge. Without clear Conclusions, reviewers and readers will find it difficult to judge the work and whether or not it merits publication in the journal. Do not repeat the Abstract or just list experimental results. Provide a clear scientific justification for your work and indicate possible applications and extensions. You should also suggest future experiments and/or point out those that are underway.
9.9. Citation and References
Cite the main scientific publications on which your work is based. Cite only items that you have read. Do not inflate the manuscript with too many references. Avoid excessive self‐citations. Avoid excessive citations of publications from the same region. Check each reference against the original source (Author's name, volume, issue, year, Digital Object Identification (DOI) Number). DOI Number information must be provided (if available). It is suggested to use Reference Manager Applications like EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc. The minimum number of references should be 20 references.
9.10. Authors' contributions
Please include an Authors' Contributions section before the Acknowledgements.
For the Authors' contributions' we suggest the following kind of format (please use initials to refer to each author's contribution):
X.Author conducted Islamic architectural studies, participated in the sequence alignment, and drafted the manuscript. Y.Author carried out building technology. Z.Author participated in the sequence alignment. Y.Author and Z.Author participated in the design of the study and performed the statistical analysis. X Author conceived of the study and participated in its design and coordination. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
An "author" is generally considered someone who has made substantive intellectual contributions to a published study. To qualify as an author, one should 1) have made substantial contributions to the conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) have been involved in drafting the manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and 3) have given final approval of the version to be published. Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content. Acquisition of funding, collection of data, or general supervision of the research group alone does not justify authorship.
All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an acknowledgments section. Examples of those who might be acknowledged include a person who provided purely technical help or writing assistance or a department chair who provided only general support.
9.11. Acknowledgements
All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an ‘acknowledgments’ section. Examples of those who might be acknowledged include a person who provided purely technical help or writing assistance or a department chair who provided only general support.
10. Reference Style Guide
10.1 About IEEE Style
IEEE Style uses a notational method of referencing when referring to a source of information within the text of a document.
In its simplest form, a citation is given in the text, consisting of a number enclosed by square brackets:
The full details of the source are given in a numerical reference list at the end of the document:
10.2 Citation Style
In the IEEE Style, Citations within the body text of an article to reference(s) must follow the numbering system. References must be presented sequentially and sorted starting from the first cited reference.
All publications cited in the text should be included as a list of references. References are sequentially numbered as they appear in the text. Reference numbers are indicated in square brackets. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Any references cited in the Abstract must be given in full. Unpublished results and personal communications are not recommended in the reference list but may be mentioned in the text. If these references are included in the reference list, they should follow the standard reference style of the journal and should include a substitution of the publication date with either "Unpublished results" or "Personal communication". The citation of a reference as 'in press' implies that the item has been accepted for publication.
As a minimum, the full URL should be given and the date when the reference was last accessed. Any further information, if known (DOI, author names, dates, a reference to a source publication, etc.), should also be given. Web references can be listed separately (e.g., after the reference list) under a different heading if desired or can be included in the reference list.
This journal has to follow standard templates available in key reference management packages EndNote (, Mendeley (, or Reference Manager ( Using plug-ins to word processing packages, authors only need to select the appropriate journal template when preparing their article and the list of references and citations to these will be formatted according to the journal style, which is described below.
Recommendations for references are:
- Please type all authors' names. Using et al. for multiple authors is not acceptable.
- Types of references are as follows:
- For a Journal Article, see [1]
- For a Book, see [2]
- For a Magazine Article, see [3]
- For a Proceedings Paper, see [4]
- For a Dissertation or Thesis, see [5]
- For an Internet Reference (not preferable), see [6]
When preparing your reference list, the following should be avoided:
- References not cited in the text.
- Excessively referencing your work.
- Insufficiently referencing the work of others.
It is also preferable when Authors give the DOI number of each reference list in bracket [1], but it is optional for Authors. References list must be written consistently.
Citation within the body text of an article to reference(s) must follow the numbering system ("..... [1], ...... [2-3], etc.") which should be started from references cited first. However, the reference list must be typed according to IEEE style.
[1] D. N. Aulia and A. R. Syafikri, "Adaptation of Muslim Family Activity in Occupying Minimalist Contemporary Architectural Housing Design," Journal of Islamic Architecture, vol. 6, no. 2, Dec. 2020, DOI: 10.18860/jia.v6i2.8259. ---> Journal
[2] S. v. Szokolay, Introduction to Architectural Science, the Basis of Sustainable Design. Great Britain: Architectural Press, 2004. ---> book
[3] S. Dzulkifly, "Decor Items and Accents That Can Make a Big Impact at Home," Indonesia Design, Jakarta, May 05, 2021. ---> magazine article
[4] S. Senjana and G. A. S. Putra, "Landscape Design: Pattern and Color in Sensory Garden for Disability Justice," in Proceeding of the International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Social Sciences, 2021, pp. 389–393. doi: 10.2991/assehr.k.210421.056. ---> conference proceeding
[5] E. Setiyowati, “Pengaruh Bentuk Masjid Permukiman di Daerah Tropis terhadap Kualitas Akustik Ruang,” Surabaya, 2008. ---> thesis/dissertation
[6] H. Abdel, "Honjo-west Office," ArchDaily, Jun. 25, 2021. (accessed Jun. 25, 2021). ---> web page
11. Conventions
Use only recommended SI units. Numerals should be used for all numbers of two or more digits and for single digits when attached to units of measure. Abbreviations should be defined in parentheses after their first mention in the text in accordance with internationally agreed rules.
12. Copyright Notice
User Right
In order for the Journal of Islamic Architecture to publish and disseminate research articles, we need publishing rights (transferred from Author (s) to Publisher). This is determined by a publishing agreement between the Author (s) and JIA. This agreement deals with the transfer or license of the copyright of publishing to JIA, while Authors still retain significant rights to use and share their own published articles. JIA supports the need for authors to share, disseminate, and maximize the impact of their research and these rights in any databases.
As a journal author, you have rights to a large range of uses of your article, including use by your employing institute or company. These Author rights can be exercised without the need to obtain specific permission. Authors publishing in JIA have wide rights to use their works for teaching and scholarly purposes without needing to seek permission, including:
- use for classroom teaching by the Author or the Author's institution and presentation at a meeting or conference and distributing copies to attendees;
- use for internal training by the Author's company;
- distribution to colleagues for their research use;
- use in a subsequent compilation of the Author's works;
- inclusion in a thesis or dissertation;
- reuse of portions or extracts from the article in other works (with full acknowledgment of the final article);
- preparation of derivative works (other than commercial purposes) (with full acknowledgment of the final article);
- voluntary posting on open websites operated by the Author or the Author's institution for scholarly purposes,
(but it should follow the open-access license of Creative Common CC-by-SA License).
Authors/Readers/Third Parties can copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, as well as remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, but they must give appropriate credit (the name of the creator and attribution parties (authors detail information), a copyright notice, an open-access license notice, a disclaimer notice, and a link to the material), provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made (Publisher indicates the modification of the material (if any).
Authors/Readers/Third Parties can read, print and download, redistribute or republish the article (e.g. display in a repository), translate the article, download for text and data mining purposes, reuse portions or extracts from the article in other works, sell or reuse for commercial purposes, remix, transform, or build upon the material, and they must distribute their contributions under the same license as the original Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA).
13. Editorial Office of Journal of Islamic Architecture
All correspondences should be sent to the following Editorial Office:
Ernaning Setyowati, MT (Editor-in-Chief)
Editorial Office
Department of Architecture,
Faculty of Science and Technology
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Jalan Gajayana 50 Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia 65144
Phone & Fax(+62) 341 558933
Whatsapp: (+62) 8155552680
The Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if accepted for publication, the copyright for publishing (publishing right) of the article shall be assigned/transferred to the Publisher of the Journal of Islamic Architecture.
Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to complete a 'Copyright Transfer Agreement for Publishing (CTAP)'. An email will be sent to the Corresponding Author confirming receipt of the manuscript together with a 'Copyright Transfer Agreement for Publishing' form by the online version of this agreement.
The Editors and the Advisory International Editorial Board make every effort to ensure that no wrong or misleading data, opinions, or statements are published in the journal. In any way, the contents of the articles and advertisements published in the Journal of Islamic Architecture are the exclusive responsibility of their respective authors and advertisers.
Remember, even though we ask for a transfer of copyright for publishing (CTAP), our journal Author(s) retain (or are granted back) significant scholarly rights, as mentioned before.
The Copyright Transfer Agreement for Publishing (CTAP) Form will be sent to the Author by email together with the Letter of Acceptance.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
- The text follows the paper template; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
Copyright Notice
It is a condition of publication that authors assign copyright or licence the publication rights in their articles to Journal of Islamic Architecture. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Jalan Gajayana 50 Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia 65144
Phone (+62) 341 558933,Facsimile (+62) 341 558933
e-mail: /
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.