This paper aims to identify and discuss core concepts of importance to the ethics of urbanism by undertaking a detailed study of urban issues in the light of the Holy Quran based on their associated ethical dimensions and the nature of the urban structure. This study attempts to analyze the concepts of ethical urbanism by conducting a thorough content analysis of urbanism
themes within the divine message of Muslims (the Quran) and related prior literature focusing on their related ethical aspects. The Islamic view of ethical urbanism is systematic and unambiguous. The analyzes identified 1819 verses in all 30 sections of the Quran, including five themes linked to urban Structure Quality and Ethical Responsibility. Particularly environmental, physical, social, economic, and political responsibility. This urban content and the associated principles are embedded in the idea that men are God's rulers on earth and their deeds have earthly and celestial benefits. This paper leads to the intellectual growth of Islam through promoting involvement in Ijtihad. Therefore, this is the interest of urban scholars and responsibility to properly urban practices and religious traditions.
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