Mosques are places where Muslims perform prayers and other social activities. Those are built as a place for humans to worship the Almighty Allah at all times, as well as to provide an environment that responds to the needs of devotees and educates the future generation by the Quranic verses and the Prophet's teachings. Derived from the Holy Quran and the Prophet, purity is compulsory at all times for Muslims, and has many meanings that are applicable during prayers and the day. The ablution room is integrated into all mosque designs because it is an unseparated element. However, Malaysian mosques have been questioned in their application of some Islamic regulations to uniform a hygienically clean space that can respond the needs of Muslims. The design of the ablution rooms in Malaysian mosques is encountering a serious issue regarding the spaces' cleanliness. Although the ablution room has been designed to respond the Muslim's need to conduct the ablution practice and to cleanse a person spiritually and physically, several problems related to its design aspects were revealed. This research investigates the cleanliness of the Malaysian ablution space. It examines how the design aspects of the ablution rooms of the Iconic Malaysian Mosques impact the area's cleanliness and its users. Five case studies were selected for this study. Three methods of study were utilized: physical observation, architectural drawing analysis, and interviews. Aspects of design form, ventilation, cleaning status, and user experience were discussed. This research suggested that the larger mosques in Malaysia were suffering from serious hygiene issues that resulted from many aspects, including poor design, ventilation systems, and users' abuse. The research suggested some design guidelines for future and existing ablution areas that will improve the cleanliness.
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