New Mosques Architectural Platform: Digitalised Inventory and Analysis for Mosques Referencing
This research tackles the architectural typology of mosques built by religious associations in Algeria, which is a timeless issue. Despite the specific legislation of the new mosques' architectural typology, random or fanciful architectures in the field are considered Islamic Architecture. Our research aims to analyze mosque architectural data and report all the architectural and architectonic elements identified in two Algerian wilayas as a case study. It is then to classify and define the authentic typologies of Maghrebi, Ottoman mosques, or any other developed by specialists in Islamic architecture and art, especially if the platform is linked with the general inventory of Islamic architecture accredited by UNESCO. The concept of creating the platform starts with an inventory of mosques, and it is then developed to list various criteria for classifying mosques. Thus, a flexible filtering system is implemented to help perform multi-criteria analysis and visualize results in a geographic interface. This platform can meet several objectives in many research fields and be adapted for buildings other than mosques. Furthermore, the platform will serve as a basis for researchers and students, the Directorates of Religious Affairs, and the Ministry of Religious Affairs to analyze the architectural data of mosques.
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