Genesis and Evolution of Muzaffariyya Complex with Emphasizing Tabriz`s Goy-Masjid

Ahad Nejad Ebrahimi, Aylar Javadpour, Laleh Rashad


Goy-Masjid of Tabriz is the only remaining architectural trace from the Muzaffariyya-complex of the Turkomans period of Qaraquyunlu, which displays the grandeur of its architecture. To This valuable historical structure, factors such as destructive earthquakes caused severe damage throughout history, and only from the historical documents and the ruins left, the greatness of its primal understood somehow. Even later, repairs and restorations were made for its protection. Some of these operations and other factors have caused changes in the mosque and its surroundings. According to historical documents, the research purpose was to describe the early condition and elements of the Muzaffariyya complex and changes in the mosque and its environs throughout history. For this purpose, the research question: What factors and conditions throughout history have caused changes in the Muzaffariyya-Complex and Goy-Masjid? The descriptive-analytical method was used for the research. The results showed that the damages caused to the Muzaffariyya complex and the Goy-Masjid have occurred throughout history due to natural and human factors. It has caused main changes to the architecture of the complex, and the current state of the Goy-Masjid and its surroundings is different from the initial state of the complex.


Goy-Masjid of Tabriz; Muzaffariyya complex; Turkomans of Qaraquyunlu; Architectural and environmental changes

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