Fabrizio Anticoli


The excavations carried out in the South domed hall of the Friday Mosque of Isfahan brought to light several features of this structure's building stage. Three pits were retrieved in the centre of the hall, which once was occupied by the pillars of the grid of the ʿAbbasid mosque’s hypostyle in 9th century. These were identified as probable foundation pits for the building of a domed space arranged as that of the Umayyad Mosque of Damascus during the Saljuq period. This possible connection was analysed from different perspectives using different data (archaeological, epigraphical, art, and historical data) and provide different conclusions. A comparison between the archaeological data and the epigraphical record may highlight the possible liaison between the two buildings. This paper discusses some results of the 1970s excavations to prove how unlikely a layout such as Damascus could ever be adopted in Isfahan. Nevertheless, proven by the epigraphical record, the presence of the pits discovered by the IsMEO mission and the interest shown by Malik Shāh for Syria plead for a connection between the two mosques. Such connection could highlight the role the Damascene prototype could play in conceiving the pavilion the vizir Niẓām al-Mulk in Isfahan demanded.


Seljuk architecture; IsMEO; Sultanial authority; Malik Shāh; gonbad khane

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