Typology of Khānqāh Space in the Architecture of the Islamic Period of Īrān Until the Qājār Period

Nigar Nassiri, Akram Hosseini


The current study aims to investigate the typology of Īrānian Khānqāhs and to identify the architectural patterns of these spaces. Qualitative research methods and comparative analysis were employed. Numerous Khānqāhs of Īrān are currently either abandoned, destroyed, or located outside the borders of Īrān's political geography. In this study, all Īrānian Khānqāhs constructed up to the end of the Safavid period, which are located within the current political geography of the country, were examined. Either their structures or their architectural documents are still available. Due to the variety of types of Khānqāhs of the later period (Qajar), this study does not include them. The results show that their plans were more introverted than extroverted, with residential and devotional uses. They were classified into five types: 1) Khānqāh in Urban complex (Arsin), 2) Urban Khānqāh-Mosque, 3) Khānqāh-Tomb (Boqʿih), 4) Suburban Khānqāh-Zāwīyih and 5) Khānqāh-Village, based on scale and settlement quality in residential complexes. Their spatial patterns are also analyzed. The results showed that the architecture of the Khānqāhs follows three patterns including, Chāhār_Ṣoffih (four-platform), a dome, and a central courtyard. In this study, a general comparison was conducted between the architecture of Iranian Khanqahs and the secluded spaces in Christian architecture. Before the arrival of the Mongols in Iran, the common patterns in the architecture of mosques, mosque schools, tombs, or rabats of Iran were also used in the architecture of Khānqāhs. The prevalence of building churches in the Azerbaijan region of Iran, following the plurality and religious freedom of the Il-khānid period, caused the model of a small number of Khānqāhs to follow the model of Byzantine churches. The Khānqāh's architectural evolution reflects a deep respect for tradition, intricately weaving influences from diverse cultures. It plays a positive and harmonizing role as a unifying space for various religions.


Typology; Khānqāh Architecture; Privacy; Īrān Architecture; Islamic Period

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/jia.v8i2.23418


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