Development of Spatial Pattern of Darul 'Ulum Islamic Boarding School Jombang, East Java

Jalaluddin Mubarok, Atiek Suprapti, Agung Budi Sardjono


The first Islamic education since antiquity was carried out in the corners of mosques, commonly called Ashabussuffah. They are students who study with murshid or teachers to explore the lessons of religious science in life in the world and life after. Pesantren is an institution whose initial formation involved the active role of the surrounding community in developing local wisdom based on character education. The spatial pattern of Salafiyah Islamic Boarding Schools is unique in Nusantara Islamic Architecture because it has developed in interpreting space without fulfilling the legally applicable rules of the State's basic rules. The oldest and largest Islamic boarding school in Java is in Jombang Regency. This study aims to determine the characteristic pattern of spatial owned by the Darul 'Ulum Jombang Islamic boarding school. It can be a unique characteristic from the beginning of its formation. Until now, this research has used qualitative research methods, preceded by book references and combined with empiricists in the field and interviews with informants. Informants are community leaders, community members, students, alums, and Kiai. The results of this study divide the spatial zoning in the Darul 'Ulum Jombang Islamic boarding school: the Education Combination zone, settlement zone, pesantren zone, and free zone.


Islamic Boarding School; Space; Zone

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