A Topological and Technological Transformation Model of Mimar Sinan’s Mosques to the Present

Muhammed Emin Akyürek


16th-century Ottoman architect Mimar Sinan's mosques are one of the most efficient, refined, and elegant examples of mosque architecture. Sinan's mosques, replicated until today, have also been built widely with modern technology and materials. However, the incompatibility of the structural system and materials are seen in many new mosques is identified as a problem in this study. The study aims to develop a novel design with a contemporary structural system and material based on the principles and schemes of Sinan's highly praised and adopted mosques. First, an ideal form was derived by detecting a harmony between Sinan's mosques and the chain model; then, it was transformed and optimized according to the requirements of the timber (CLT) folded plate envisaged to be applied on a small scale. Proportions of the Sinan's mosques, parametric design and Turkish triangle were benefited to define the size and form of the emerging model. Afterward, they were discussed and evaluated in terms of plan, section, and facade. The discussion is focused on structural form yet also mentions design flexibility according to local touch and sites. Finally, a novel, contemporary, and adaptable design model that evokes the image of Sinan's mosques has been proposed.


Chain Curve; Islamic Architecture; Parametric Design; Structural Form; Timber Folded Plate

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/jia.v8i1.23694


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