Sustainable Waqf Space in Urban Kampong: The Case of Kampong Kauman, Semarang City

Agus Rochani, Nany Yuliastuti, Budi Sudarwanto


Waqf is a Muslim culture directly related to urban spatial systems. The culture of Waqf that relates to land and buildings grows from a spirit of social generosity, and it cultivates shared communal spaces dedicated to the public interest. Waqf also cultivates an esoteric culture that binds the community to Islamic values. The existence of Waqf space, which has developed continually to the present day, begs the question of how this spatial concept came to be. Does this system offer a viable path to creating sustainable, urban, communal spaces? To answer this question, this research considered the conceptualization of Waqf space from a sustainable perspective. The research was conducted in the Kampong Kauman, Semarang Muslim community. A holistic single case study was conducted. The research indicated that the Waqf at the research location comprised seven spatial themes, including worship, learning, sharing, business, environmental infrastructure, Islamic broadcasting, and preservation. If these seven themes are abstracted into socio-environmental concepts, they can be mapped into three categories: public service, functional harmony, and adaptive comprehensiveness. These categories together construct an understanding of sustainable space within the Waqf framework.


Waqf space; sustainability; urban kampong; Kampong Kauman

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