Implementing Sustainability in Urban Desert Regions Through Solar Orientation, The Islamic Vernacular Architecture of the M'zab Ksour in Particular

Krimo Dahmani, Khalil Bachir Aouissi, Saif Eddine Chettah


This study investigates the role of solar orientation in creating sustainable urban land systems in desert regions, using the Ksour of M'Zab in Algeria as a case study. The Ksour are vernacular Islamic and millenarian cities inhabited for centuries, and their urban design has evolved to respond to extreme climatic conditions, particularly insolation. Through a geometric analysis of the road system, this study demonstrates how the optimal orientation of urban lanes ensures the integration of extreme climatic conditions and creates comfortable streets for pedestrians. The study compares two old Ksour (El Atheuf and Beni Yezguen) with a new Ksar (Tafilalet) and statistically evaluates their solar orientation. The results show that solar orientation is a crucial tool for understanding the sustainability of desert cities. Thus, traditional knowledge and contemporary design practices can be integrated to create sustainable urbanism in arid environments. This study contributes to the growing body of knowledge on sustainable architecture by providing insights into how traditional knowledge can create resilient cities in challenging environments and promote sustainable development.


Geometric analysis; Ksour of M'Zab; Solar orientation; Sustainability; Vernacular; Islamic architecture

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