Exploring the Significance of Mecca Sacred Mosque Global Location

Yehia Hassan Wazeri


In traditional Islamic cities, the great mosque lies in the middle as the main landmark of the city. It is stated in the Qur'an that the Ka’ba (Mecca sacred mosque) was the first house that was built in Mecca city for humanity to worship Allah. Therefore, Mecca is the holiest city of Islam, and the goal of the annual Muslim hajj (pilgrimage). The objective of the present study is to explore the significance of sacred mosque of Mecca global location on dry land by using accurate measurements and Satellite programs.The results of the study illustrate that the sacred mosque of  Mecca equally distances away from the following locations:1) The farthest borders edges of Africa and Europe as well, 2) The nearest borders of the new world continents along with a part of Asia which meeting the Northern borders of North America at the Bering Sea, 3) The farthest borders of the new world continents that represent the outer edges of the dry land, 4) Finally, the Ka’ba is equally distant from the geographical centers of the new world continents.


Ka’ba location; Mecca city; Satellite images; Dry land

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/jia.v4i3.3920


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