PANDANGAN PEREMPUAN POLITISI MENGENAI KELUARGA SAKINAH (Studi Terhadap Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Kota Malang)
Elmi Farikha, Erfaniah Zuhriyah
Conventionally, earning money in a family is husband’s duty and doing chores such as taking care husband and children is wife’s. However, most women decide to participate in public arena actively is a recent phenomenon. As a result, women’s conventional duty is shifting now. Some women politicians, for example, must manage their time for managing the public affairs and taking care the family. It may cause the family more vulnerable towards conflict and eventually may bring it to the divorce. Therefore, some efforts should be taken to maintain the family. It is also what some women politicians in Malang who sit in the parliament practice to keep their families is still harmonious. They have their own opinion and some tips about “established family” (keluarga sakinah) which are influenced by experiences, education, family support, age and the fail of maintaining the family. They are considered to be successfull politicians women in maintaining their public position as well as domestic position to maintain their family. Kata kunci: keluarga, sakinah, perempuan, politik.
keluarga; sakinah; perempuan; politik
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