Citedness in Scopus

Citedness in Scopus 

el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam has been cited by articles on SCOPUS database at least 47 times by January 2025 (view

  1. Islamization Process of The Tellumpoccoe Alliance: The History of Bone, Soppeng and Wajo. (2023). el Harakah: Jurnal Budaya Islam, 25(1) CITED IN Marriage Traditions and Family Resilience in Bugis Bone Society: A Study of Islamic Law and Islamic Education. (2024). Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam, 8(3).
  2. Integrasi Agama dan Budaya: Kajian Tentang Tradisi Maulod dalam Masyarakat Aceh (2016), el Harakah: Jurnal Budaya Islam, 18(1). CITED IN The Integration of the Islamic and Customary Law in Tolaki Society, Southeast Sulawesi: Islamic History and Education Perspectives (2024). Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam, 8(3).
  3. The Dynamics of Wayang Golek in Pandemic and Globalization: Traditional Art Sustainability. (2021). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 23(2). CITED IN Strengthening Ideological Values through Pasantian Singing: Problematizing the Nexus Between Local Cultural Practices and Globality in Bali. (2024). Jurnal Kajian Bali (Journal of Bali Studies), 14(2).
  4. Tradisi perayaan Isra’ Mi’raj dalam budaya Islam lokal masyarakat Gorontalo. (2012). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 14(1). CITED IN Traditions of Jayawijaya Muslim Society: Some Perspectives from Islam and Customs. (2024). Millah: Journal of Religious Studies, 23(2).
  5. Java Islam: Relationship of Javanese culture and Islamic mystism in the Post-Colonial study perspective. (2019). el Harakah Jurnal  Budaya  Islam, 21(1). CITED IN The Javanese Cultural Beliefs and Practices Among Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease Undergoing Hemodialysis. (2024) Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 35(4).
  6. Islam, Local Wisdom and Religious Harmony: Religious Moderation in East-Java Christian Village Bases. (2022). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 24(1). CITED IN Understanding and Practice of Religious Tolerance: A Study of the Living Qur’an in Madura, Indonesia. (2024). Ulumuna, 28(1).
  7. Sikap Masyarakat Madura Terhadap Tradisi Carok: Studi Fenomenologi Nilai-Nilai Budaya Masyarakat Madura. (2015). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 17(1) no. 1 CITED IN Understanding Carok in Madura: Legal Reform from Criminal Law and Islamic Law Perspective. (2024). Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 5(2).
  8. Religion and Malay-Dayak identity rivalry in West Kalimantan. (2021). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 23(1). CITED IN Indigenous knowledge dataset of Dayak, Malay and Chinese communities in Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. (2024). Data in Brief, 53: 110147.
  9. Islam Jawa: Sufisme dalam tradisi dan etika Jawa. (2007). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 9(2). CITED IN Urban ethnobotany of Surakarta, Indonesia: a case study of non-edible plants in Gede Hardjonagoro and Kembang Markets. (2024). Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 27.
  10. The Effect of Aswaja Values and Javanese Islam on Students’ Moderate Islamic Thinking. (2022). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 24(2). CITED IN Transforming of Moderate Character Education in Islamic Educational Institutions. (2024). Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 7(1).
  11. Kalindaqdaq Tradition of Mandar Community in West Sulawesi: Islamic Education Study Based on Local Wisdom. (2021). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 23(2) CITED IN Mappatammaq Mangaji in Mandar, West Sulawesi: Childrearing Patterns Based on the Qur'an in the Anthropological Perspective of Islamic Law. (2024). El-Usrah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga, 7(2). 
  12. Interaksi Islam dengan Budaya Barasandi dan Aktifitas Sosial Keagamaan Orang Tolaki di Sulawesi Tenggara. (2013). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 14(2). CITED IN The Integration of the Islamic and Customary Law in Tolaki Society, Southeast Sulawesi: Islamic History and Education Perspectives (2024). Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam, 8(3).
  13. Cultural impact on Islamic matrimonial beliefs: A comparison between Pakistan and Qatar. (2022). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 24(2). CITED IN The Psychopathological Predictors and Effects of Death Anxiety. (2024). Omega - Journal of Death and Dying, 00302228241272502.
  14. Java Islam: Relationship of Javanese culture and Islamic mystism in the Post-Colonial study perspective. (2019). el Harakah Jurnal  Budaya  Islam, 21(1). CITED IN Sowing the Gospel in the southern Vorstenlanden: Wonogiri in the Protestant evangelists’ travelogues in the early twentieth century. (2024). Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia, 25(2).
  15. Flood Disaster, Local Belief and Islam-Sufism. (2017). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 19(1). CITED IN Save the community from the flood hazard: the perspective of communities surrounding the lake. (2024). Journal of Community Positive Practices, (1).
  16. The Effect of Aswaja Values and Javanese Islam on Students’ Moderate Islamic Thinking. (2022). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 24(2). CITED IN Modernising tradition: Reinforcing Aswaja al-Nahdhiyah authority among millennials in Indonesia. (2024). HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies, 80(1).
  17. Sunda Wiwitan Baduy: Agama Penjaga Alam Lindung di Desa Kanekes Banten. (2011). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 13(2). CITED IN Interpreting Sundanese ritual practices at the mikul lodong ceremony in Cipatat, West Bandung, Indonesia. (2024). Cogent Social Sciences, 10(1).
  18. Dinasti Mamalik di Mesir. (2009). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 11(2). CITED IN Al-Madaih An-Nabawiyyah: Its Literary History and Transformational Functions in the 21st Century Era. (2023). Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 18(2).
  19. Java Islam: Relationship of Javanese culture and Islamic mystism in the Post-Colonial study perspective. (2019). el Harakah Jurnal  Budaya  Islam, 21(1). CITED IN Experiences of caregivers of people with dementia in Indonesia: A focus group study. (2023). International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 38(12).
  20. Daur at-Tarbiyyah alIslamiyyah fi Nasyr ats-Tsaqafah al-Qanuniyyah fi al-Mujtama‘ al-Muslim. (2022). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 24(2). CITED IN Tradition, Social Values, and Fiqh of Civilization: Examining the Nyadran Ritual in Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia. (2023). Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam, 7(3).
  21. Islam Nusantara: Sebuah Alternatif Model Pemikiran, Pemahaman, dan Pengamalan Islam. (2015). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 17(2). CITED IN Significance of Islam Nusantara Values in an Indonesian Multicultural Society. (2023). Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 18(1).
  22. Teologi Antropomorfistik: Alternatif Pemikiran. Menyelesaikan Tindak Kekerasan. (2002). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 4(3). CITED IN Maqāṣid al-Sharī‘a as the Foundation of Islamic Moderation: Theo-Philosophical Insight against Extreme Religious Ideology. (2023). Ulumuna, 27(1).
  23. Integrasi Agama dan Budaya: Kajian Tentang Tradisi Maulod dalam Masyarakat Aceh. (2016). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 18(1). CITED IN How Jawi Script Influences Religious Attitudes: An Evidence from Aceh. (2023) Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun, 11(2).
  24. The Islamic Discourses of Indonesian Islamist Organizations. (2022). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 24(1). CITED IN Models and Political Attitudes of Fundamentalist Groups in Indonesian Presidential Elections. (2023). Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun, 11(2).
  25. Islam dan Seksualitas: Bias Gender dalam Humor Pesantren. (2017). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 19(1) CITED IN Pola Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Perempuan di Sekolah Berbasis Islam. (2023). Munaddhomah: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 4(2).
  26. The Effect of Aswaja Values and Javanese Islam on Students’ Moderate Islamic Thinking. (2022). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 24(2). CITED IN Cultural Transformation in Religious Activities Based on Ahlussunnah Wal Jama’ah Values in Islamic Boarding Schools. (2023). Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 6(2).
  27. Ketedasan Terjemahan Ayat-Ayat Imperatif Bernuansa Budaya. (2017). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 19(2). CITED IN Acceptability of the Quran Translation. (2023). Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 61(2).
  28. Islam Nusantara: Sebuah Alternatif Model Pemikiran, Pemahaman, dan Pengamalan Islam. (2015). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 17(2). CITED IN Why is Indonesian Islam Important in The Entrenchment of Women’s Rights? (2023). Journal of Indonesian Islam, 17(1).
  29. Daur at-Tarbiyyah alIslamiyyah fi Nasyr ats-Tsaqafah al-Qanuniyyah fi al-Mujtama‘ al-Muslim. (2022). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 24(2). CITED IN Al-Wasathiyah fî al-Iqtishâd al-Islâmî: Ârâ’u ‘ulamâ Jam’iyati “Nahdlatul Ulama” Bi Jawa al-Syarqiyah haula “al-Taraddud” bi Sya’ini Fatâwa al-Fawâid al-Mashrîfiyah. (2023). Al-Ihkam: Jurnal Hukum & Pranata Sosial, 18(1).
  30. Ritual, kepercayaan lokal dan identitas budaya masyarakat Ciomas Banten. el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 17(2). CITED IN Emancipative Islamic theology and Hifz Al-Din: Muslim youth resistance against shamanism. (2023). HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies, 79(1).
  31. Daur at-Tarbiyyah alIslamiyyah fi Nasyr ats-Tsaqafah al-Qanuniyyah fi al-Mujtama‘ al-Muslim. (2022). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 24(2). CITED IN Resistance to Child Marriage Prevention in Indonesia and Malaysia. (2023). Ahkam: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, 23(1).
  32. Sedekah Bumi (Nyadran) sebagai Konvensi Tradisi Jawa dan Islam Masyarakat Bojonegoro. (2016). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 16(1). CITED IN Songkabala Tradition in the Makassarese Society: Local Values and Messages of the Al-Qur’an an Anthropological Perspective on Islamic Law. (2023). Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam, 7(1).
  33. Java Islam: Relationship of Javanese culture and Islamic mystism in the Post-Colonial study perspective. (2019). el Harakah Jurnal  Budaya  Islam, 21(1).  CITED IN Ikhlas: A Spiritual Resource for Indonesian Muslim Wives in Accepting Their Husband's HIV-Positive Status. (2022). Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman, 17(2).
  34. Seni Kaligrafi: Peran dan Kontribusinya terhadap Peradaban Islam. (2012).  el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 13(1). CITED IN Spiritual Message of Al-Qur’an Calligraphy in Raudhatul Mukhlisin Mosque Jember. (2022). Jurnal Studi Ilmu-Ilmu Al-Qur’an dan Hadis, 23(1).
  35. Variasi nama Tuhan dalam teks serat sastra Gendhing, kajian akulturasi terhadap sastra suluk. (2017). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 19(1). CITED IN Nationalism and Spiritualism of Javanese Tarekat: Study of Tarekat Rinjani in Banyumas Central Java. (2022). Qudus International Journal of Islamic Studies, 10(1).
  36. Doa dalam tradisi Islam Jawa. (2012). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 14(1). CITED IN Contribution of sufism to the development of moderate Islam in Nusantara. (2021). International Journal of Islamic Thought, 19(1).
  37. Javanese Islam; A Blend of Javanese Culture and Islamic Mysticism Viewed from Post-Colonial Perspective. (2019). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 21(1). CITED IN The Practice of Salawat Nariyah in Rural Javanese Society Indonesia: Religiosity or Sociality? (2021). Review of International Geographical Education (RIGEO), 11(5).
  38. Potret Nilai Kesufian dalam Kehidupan Bermasyarakat. (2011). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 13(1). CITED IN Positive transformation of islamic law in local wisdom in the sultan of Tidore. (2021). Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Syir'ah, 19(2).
  39. Integration of Walisongo’s Da’wah Spirit with Science in Indonesian National Qualification Framework Based Curriculum. (2019). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 21(1). CITED IN Implementation of Indonesian National Qualification Framework Based Curriculum in Higher Islamic Education. (2021). Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 7(1).
  40. Seting Perilaku dan Teritorialitas Ruang sebagai Perwujudan Adab di Masjid Gading Pesantren Kota Malang. (2013). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 15(2). CITED IN Spatial Patterns of Islamic Religious Activities in Krapyak District, Yogyakarta. (2021). Journal of Islamic Architecture, 6(4).
  41. Dinamika Islam kultural: Studi atas dialektika Islam dan budaya lokal Madura. (2010). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 12(2). CITED IN The synergy of Islamic da’wah and Madura culture programmes on Nada FM Sumenep Radio, Indonesia. (2021) Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 37(2).
  42. Interpreting the Labuhan Ceremony Tradition and Its Influence on the Parangtritis Community. (2015). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 17(1). CITED IN The Teachings of Character in Local Wisdom Study On: Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo Rituals. (2021). Review of International Geographical Education Online, 11(3).
  43. Pengaruh Islam Terhadap Perkembangan Budaya Jawa: Tembang Macapat. (2012). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 14(1). CITED IN Rancangan Garap Karya Gending Sekar Jagad Berbasis Motif Batik Gaya Yogyakarta. (2020). Resital: Jurnal Seni Pertunjukan, 21(3).
  44. Tradisi Meugang dalam Masyarakat Aceh: Sebuah Tafsir Agama dalam Budaya. (2014). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 16(2). CITED IN Adat Pernikahan dan Nilai-Nilai Islami dalam Masyarakat Aceh Menurut Hukum Islam. (2020). El-Usrah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga, 3(2).
  45. The exploration of pesantren-based entrepreneurship development strategy through teleology approach. (2018). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 20(2). CITED IN Empowerment communication in an Islamic boarding school as a medium of harmonization. (2020). Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 36(4).
  46. Manajemen Konflik Berbasis Multicultural Competences: Solusi Alternatif Kontestasi Pribumi dan Salafi di Lombok. (2016). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 18(1). CITED IN The Symbols and Myths of Rice in Sasak’s Culture: A Portrait of Hybrid Islam in Lombok. (2019). Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 57(2).
  47. Ketedasan Terjemahan Ayat-Ayat Imperatif Bernuansa Budaya. (2017). el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 19(2). CITED IN The Impact of Techniques and Translation Ideology on The Clarity of Pragmatic Meanings Translation of The Qur’anic Imperative Verses. (2018). Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(3).