Husain Miftahul Rizqi


This study aims to reveal the collective meaning of the poem Al- Ḥubb wa Al-Bitrūl. The theory used is the semiotic theory of Michael Riffaterre. Riffaterre's semiotic theory offers two methods of reading: heuristic and hermeneutic. The primary data in this study refer directly to the poem Al-Ḥubb wa Al-Bitrūl composed by Nizār Qabbānŷ and written into a book entitled Al-'A'māl Al-Siyāsiyah Al-Kāmilah volume 3. The supporting data in this study is in the form of appropriate data and helps the course of this research. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The data collection technique used in this study is the read-and-record technique. That is by carefully reading the research object and then recording the important points in the poem. The next stage is to perform heuristic and hermeneutic readings of the poem. The result of this study was that heuristic readings in the poem were found based on language conventions. The hermeneutic readings are models of sentences in each part of the poem. The sentence model found it is “Mata Tafham?". The matrix of the poem is resistance to the capitalist class or rulers


Poem Al-Ḥubb wa Al-Bitrūl, Riffaterre Semiotics, Heuristics, Hermeneutics.

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