Manajemen Kaderisasi dalam Mencetak Kader Organisasi Militan

Moh. Nur Cholis


AbstractRegeneration is continuation of the organization. Cadre is the heart of the organization, where the good and the lasting of organization depends on how seriously the organization performs cadre. From the vision of STAI Luqman Al-Hakim Surabaya, it can be seen that one of the outgoing profiles of this institution is the birth of scholars who are cadres. This study aims to reveal the conceptual strategy of planning, implementing and evaluating cadre at STAI Luqman Al-Hakim Surabaya towards the birth of a cadre of militant organizations in the Hidayatullah Organization. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach based on case studies. Data collection is done by in-depth interviewing, documentation and observation techniques. Starting to sort the data to interpret the findings in the field by trianggulation. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Planning the concept of building militant cadres is done by (a) Formulating the cadre objectives that are in accordance with the vision of STAI Luqman Al-Hakim Surabaya, (b) Determining patterns of cadre formation, (c) Implementing resource management, ( 2) Strategy for implementing cadre in building militant cadres (a) Strengthening the spirit of struggle, following social actions, contextual learning, incorporating systematics of revelation, incorporating material on the insights of the Islamic movement, (b) Determining stages of cadre formation in accordance with values systematics revelation manhaj value, (c) Conducting supervision and evaluation through logical order and consequences, (d) Determining alumni profile, (3) Evaluate cadre strategies, (a) Record alumni engagement, (b) Record testimonials from alumni cadres, (c) Record alumni user testimonials.


Building Cadre; Militant Organization

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