Supervisi Pembelajaran Tahfizhul Qur’an Berbasis Grup Whatsapp di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Eka Novie Budiyati


The country of Indonesia at this time has been hit by a calamity in the form of COVID-19 plague. To break the chain of transmission of the spread of the virus. hence, by doing work such as online-based learning. The application used is like Via Whatsapp grup. The focus of this research is: (1) how is the implementation of tahfizhul Qur'an learning based on Whatsapp group in the pandemi COVID-19 situation, (2) what methods are used in learning tahfizhul Qur’an based on Whatsapp grup in the pandemi COVID-19 situation, and (3) how is the implementation of supervision of tahfizhul Qur'an learning based on Whatsapp group in the pandemi COVID-19 situation. The purpose of this study is: (1) To analyze the implementation of tahfizhul Qur'an learning based on Whatsapp group in the COVID-19 pandemi situation, (2) describing the methods used in learning tahfizhul Qur'an based on Whatsapp grup in a pandemi COVID-19 situation, (3) and describing the supervision of tahfizhul Qur'an learning based on Whatsapp group in the covid-pandemi situation. In this study, researchers used a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection was used through interviews and documentation. The results of the study can be known as follows: (1) the implementation of Al-Qur'an learning takes place in private chats between teachers and students. Parents record children who are reciting or memorizing, then are sent CP to the teacher in the form of Voice notes, audio, video or photos, (2) Using the Ummi method in which memorization uses the Talaqqi method where the teacher exemplifies it repeatedly and then followed by a followed learners until memorized and fluent and tartil, (3) if where there is reading that is read by students is still felt insufficient then, the teacher immediately justifies it by providing feedback as a form of supervision in the form of voice notes or videos and provide advice or words motivation. If the readings of students are considered correct, the teacher will give words in the form of happy praise and emoticons, trophies, stars, and others.


Supervisi pembelajaran; Via whatsapp group

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