Supervisi Pembelajaran Berbasis E-learning dalam Google Classroom pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19
Considering the current problem of the Covid-19 outbreak which has taken many lives so that all activities are temporarily based on WFH. One effort to be able to continue implementing learning in education is to use the Google Classroom application, so here the researchers formulated their focal points as follows: (1) How is the implementation of e-learning based learning in Google Classroom in Covid-19 Pandemic Situations, (2) What methods used in e-learning based learning in Google Classroom in Covid-19 Pandemic Situation, and (3) how to supervise e-learning based learning in Google Classroom in Covid-19 Pandemic Situation. The purpose of this study is: (1) analyzing how the implementation of e-learning based on Google Classroom in COVID-19 situations, (2) To describe the methods used in learning based on e-learning based on Google Classroom in COVID-19 situations, and (3) To describe the implementation of e-learning-based learning supervision in Google Classroom in Covid-19 Pandemic Situation. In this study, the researcher used descriptive qualitative, while the data collection techniques used interviews and documentation. The results of this study are: (1) In learning, an educator gives an assignment that is required to be written and then sent to the student through the Google Classroom application. This can be likened to sending messages via email, (2) Using the LMS (Learning Management System) method which is a software for documenting, reporting, and delivery in tutoring that is provided for students and educators, (3) Supervision of learning towards students can be done manually such as: if there are questions in the form of essays then the value is assessed manually not automatically.
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