Supervisi Profesionalitas Guru di Masa Pandemi Corona
Educational supervision can be interpreted as a science that studies how to supervise human resources involved in the world of education (teachers) to work in accordance with the objectives of the school, educational supervision is carried out by educational supervisors. Corona pandemic requires teachers to be able to conduct learning even though they are not face to face. This is felt to be difficult because of the many limitations possessed by both teachers, students, and concerning the lack of existing infrastructure. One effort to control the course of distance learning is to supervise teacher professionalism. The research method used is qualitative with the type of literature study. The results of the study show that first, education supervision is absolutely necessary to find out the quality of learning and all forms of administration. Secondly, supervision of the professionalism of teachers in the pademi corona period is also important and even mandatory. It aims to determine the performance of teachers in conducting a series of distance learning. As a teacher it is necessary to carry out their duties and obligations under any conditions, including conditions that require distance learning. Third, supervision of the professionalism of teachers during the corona pandemic can be done through several stages : the planning stage, the implementation phase, the evaluation stage, the evaluation stage, and the improvement phase.
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