Modeling the Business Process of Scholarship Applications to the Bojonegoro Education Department

Yudistira Ramadani, Muhammad Zakin Nada Raya, Ahmad Gafril Mandiri, Muhammad Ainul Yaqin


This research focuses on modeling the scholarship application business process at the Bojonegoro Regency Education Office as a response to the challenge of managing thousands of scholarship applications every year. However, there are problems for students, namely the lack of understanding of the application process, which is the main obstacle. The lack of clear and easily understood information regarding the criteria and requirements is the leading cause of student failure in applying for scholarships. Therefore, this research focuses on business process modeling as a solution to improve efficiency, transparency, and service quality. Research shows that business process modeling is a strategic step in managing scholarship applications. The resulting model provides a detailed and accurate visual representation of the scholarship application flow, identifies potential improvements, and eliminates redundancies. Hopefully, this research can make a real contribution to improving the accuracy, responsiveness, and quality of services for scholarship applicants in Bojonegoro Regency.

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