النظرية المعجمية العربية
As one of the biggest language in the world, Arabic has several objects of studies. Mu’jam theory is one of the objects of studies. Arabic Mu’jam theory has risen since earlier of Islam development, exactly at the first hijriyah century. The signed of the theory is Mu’jam al- ‘ain. The first Arabic Mu’jam based on Makharij al-Huruf al-Hija’iy by al-Khalil Ibn Ahmad al- Farahidy al-Mishry. He was an Linguist of Islamic Arabic (100 – 175 H).
Keyword: Language, Arabic.
Keyword: Language, Arabic.
Language; Arabic
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Alamat Redaksi:
Gedung PPs UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.
Jl. Gajajayana No 50 Malang
Telp. dan Fax. (0341) 577033
ISSN: 2086-5422