إنجاز الطريقة الاستقرائية في تدريس قواعد الإملاء، والنحو، والصرف

Asrofik Asrofik


Learning and training Arabic language take a right method, it’s a lot to do by instructor because with take a right method in learning and training arabic language can be increase student’s motivation.  

In the mean time, there are no certain method for teaching Nahwu’s, Sharaf’s and Imlak’s theorem, but one each other (method) complementarity and reciprocate overplus for each sparseness.  Each of methods has excess and sparseness, because one method comes on in the event of finding an other method’s sparseness. And application of one method in a lesson must building on method’s conformity with lesson’s aim, course of study and teaching.

So, one method usable when it’s appropriate with student’s skill development and give extra knowledge when the student learning and after learning. Among many methods there are two Right usually the method usable in teaching Nahwu’s, Sharaf’s and Imlak’s theorem; Inductive method and Deductive method.


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