TAWHID AND THE CRITICISM OF MODERN HUMANISM: Reflection on Alî Sharî’atî’s Thought

Zulfan Taufik, Muhammad Taufik


Modern humanism's promise of elevating human status through anthropocentrism affects the humanitarian crisis. In this context, Islam, as a God-centered (theocentric) religion, faces a significant challenge in demonstrating that it has adequate human dimensions and a fundamental role for humans today. The purpose of this article is to look at Alî Sharî’atî’s tawhidic worldview and his critique of modern humanism. This study is based on a qualitative literature review using a descriptive-analytic method on Alî Sharî’atî’s primary works. This study shows that tawhid is the core teaching of Islam, which is the basis for responding to humanitarian crises. In the monotheistic worldview, humans only fear one authority and only feel responsible to one judge. On that basis, monotheism bestows freedom and nobility in humans. From this view, Sharî’atî sees that the absence of God (metaphysical) on philosophical grounds has given rise to inevitable contradictions in modern humanism, both Western liberalism, marxism, and existentialism.


alî sharî’atî; critic; modern humanism; tawhid

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