ILLUMINATING Al-ḤAQQ: Unveiling Truth and Reality in Ibn Barrajân's Sufi Paradigm and Systems Thinking

Ah. Haris Fahrudi, Abdul Kadir Riyadi, Achmad Yafik Mursyid, Sabilil Muttaqin


The discussion on al-ḥaqq constitutes a fundamental philosophical dialogue within Sufi tradition. However, theoretical elaboration on this concept remains relatively scarce among Sufi scholars. Ibn Barrajân, a prominent figure in Andalusian Sufism, notably contributes to the development of al-ḥaqq concept in his extensive body of work. This article delves into Ibn Barrajân's intricate understanding of al-ḥaqq through his tawḥîd paradigm. Employing a systems approach, it dissects the nuanced features within Ibn Barrajân's contemplation of al-ḥaqq, which reveals that his paradigm is deeply rooted in a metaphysical interpretation of sufi tawḥîd. This paradigm, encapsulating the unity of reality (ontology), knowledge (epistemology), and purpose (axiology), profoundly shapes Ibn Barrajân's systems thinking and provides a holistic, multidimensional, and goal-oriented perspective on reality. Conceptualized as the encompassing reality of divinity, al-ḥaqq emerges as a multidimensional entity serving as the ultimate goal of all scientific inquiry. Epistemologically, the recognition of al- ḥaqq unfolds through an exploration of God's Names manifestations in cosmic symbols. Methodically, the knowledge of al- ḥaqq is attained through the practices of tafakkur, tadhakkur, tadabbur, and i'tibâr. Axiologically, acquiring this knowledge aims to bring it to life by fulfilling its rights in accordance with the blessed sunnah, also known as hikmah.


al-ḥaqq; ibn barrajân; sufi paradigm; systems thinking

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