Pepen Irpan Fauzan, Ahmad Khoirul Fata, Rifki Abror Ananda


The peaceful transformation of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia (RIS) into the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) stands as a pivotal moment in the nation's history. This momentous event was orchestrated by a prominent Islamic figure, Mohammad Natsir, who spearheaded the Integral Motion. Through this motion, Natsir skillfully lobbied RIS and states leaders to reunite under NKRI. Employing historical analysis, this research delves into the political and diplomatic strategies implemented by Natsir. Additionally, the research explores the motivations and moral commitments that underpinned Natsir's actions. A qualitative approach grounded in social-scientific history is utilized in this study. The research integrates historical analysis with socio-political science theories, particularly structuralism. This approach facilitates a deeper understanding of the internal and external challenges faced by Indonesia during that era. The findings of the research underscore Natsir's dual role. He not only served as a political leader but also as an architect of the integrative movement. In this capacity, Natsir effectively addressed both internal and external conflicts that arose during the reunification process. Natsir's unwavering efforts ultimately paved the way for Indonesia's transition towards political stability and national unity in the aftermath of independence.


geopolitical perspective; Natsir integral motion; NKRI

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